
What are the efficiency rates for egg freezing for IVF?

  The hype about elective egg freezing continues to rise, but public opinion remains divided. Half of the publications on the subject promote egg freezing as a great step forward in women's choice, equality, and freedom. The other half appears to raise substantial concerns regarding the procedure's efficacy and whether the efficiency scores make it worthwhile. If you do decide to freeze your eggs, how probable is it that it will result in a healthy kid when you're ready?   When it comes to fertility therapy, no reputable clinic can promise that freezing your eggs today will result in live birth and pregnancy when you opt to use those eggs later. Because the human body is complicated and unique, sweeping claims, one-size-fits-all pledges, and ironclad promises are unachievable.   What is the success rate of egg freezing?   The fact is that there is currently no widely available official evidence on the live birth rates for elective egg freezing. There are variou...

How long does it take to get pregnant with IVF?

  Now that you have made the decision of seeking the assistance of  IVF centres in India , it must be appreciated as doing so signifies your dedication and resolve to the family building goals. You are excited about getting the procedure started as well as expanding your family, and at this point, you may be wondering how long would it take to be pregnant with this procedure?     Well, between excitement and anxiety, waiting for the pregnancy results could be the treatment’s hardest part. However, there is a word of caution, your pregnancy test won’t be credible if done too early. For detecting actual Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) levels, the hormone generated by your placenta after implantation, the pregnancy blood test is performed almost 9 days after your transfer. Always remember that while including the 90-day preconception wellness regimen as well as fertility testing, the whole procedure can take up a maximum of 4 months, or 120 days.  ...